External links

An external link, is a link that points outside the current domain and gives the user a warning before leaving the Sobi site.
An external link, is a link that points outside the current domain and gives the user a warning before leaving the Sobi site.

What is an external link?

An external link is a link that goes outside the current site. If you are on Sobi.se and link to the contact page on Sobi.com it counts as external link by default. The domain is not the same even though the company name is in the link.

When clicking on these external links a redirect to a page occurs. This page informs the users that they are leaving the site and that Sobi is not responsible for the content they might find there.

External links page

This is how a external link or button looks like, they have this icon to them:

link icon


Here is how the middle page looks like by default:

Middle page


You can edit the text that is shown in that middle page going to  /admin/site-settings/extlink

Screenshot of external link settings in the menu
Screenshot of external link settings in the menu


You can change the text that appears on it, but be aware that to edit the text inside the buttons, you will have to edit the HTML source code as those buttons contain some attributes that must not be changed.

Edit text box


The text in brackets will be replaced when it's shown to the users, [site:name] will be replaced by the name of the current site,

and [extlink:external-url] will be replaced by the url the user is being redirected to.


Whitelist a domain

So if you want to allow a site, (ie sobi.com) as an "internal" link, so it does not get redirected to the middle page, then it needs to be whitelisted.

Go to the page /admin/site-settings/extlink

Screenshot of external link settings in the menu
Screenshot of external link settings in the menu

In the field for Whitelist domains add each domain that should not be marked up as external for legal reasons.

Each whitelisted domain should be in a new line and should follow the format of the example (good example: example.com),

so it must not contain the protocol (wrong use: https://example.com) neither a leading slash (wrong use: example.com/).

Also, www.sobi.com is not the same as sobi.com, they are technically separate domains and need to be added as such:

Screenshot of field for Whitelisted domains settings
Box for whitelisted domains highlighted