Cookie approval

Cookie Approval (or Cookie consent) has two options on this site. Either you choose a full screen take over with the modal popup or you choose the cookie consent bar that stays on top of your content at the top of the screen.

Please note that most of the platform sites now uses an external provider from OneTrust called CookiePro. This is handled by Sobi Digital. Please refer to the Support page for more information.

Simple popup

The simple popup provides a Cookie message bar that stays on top of the content until the users closes the message. When the consent has been given a cookie is set saving the information.

Page takeover

This option gives you an modal overlay that visually blocks out the rest of the content. You have options to use custom text for buttons and information.

There is besides the cookie information text an option to inform about the Site Policy.

This site has a different implementation of the Cookie approval, with a Sobi logotype inside.

Screenshot of cookie consent
Example on (The site is discontinued)